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In-person classes

Eating Vegan

Learn how to eat well to support your body with a plant-based diet
£75 pp
2hrs 30min
What happens in this class?

Deciding to go vegan can be a big step towards better health and clean eating. However it is important to ensure you are still consuming enough nutrients from all the food groups to support a healthy system. In particular those with a vegan diet often miss out on vital proteins that are essential for cell renewal. This course will teach you to how how to fulfil your body's nutritional body requirements through plant based products.

This one day medicinal cookery class incorporates vegan foods into exciting and tasty recipes in a simplistic way. You will learn what ingredients can…

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Booking Options

Obby Guarantee

We ensure quality. If your class doesn't reach your expectations, we'll give your money back.
Obby guarantees good classes

Age Requirement


Flexible cancellation policy

Any class can be cancelled and fully refunded within 24 hours of purchase. See cancellation policy.
Your Teacher

Joy started out her career in Corporate I.T Banking Technology but when her young daughter became ill and the medics could not diagnose the cause, Joy turned to alternative medicine to find a cure. She enrolled at Westminster University to study Natural Medicine and with the help of a Naturopath, they found out her daughter was allergic to Aspartame which is an artificial sweetener found in many processed foods. Joy and her daughter changed their lifestyles completely, and enjoyed plant based foods & organically sourced poultry, fish & grass fed beef. After extensive travel to far flung countries, Joy encountered many…

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Class Location
26 Brackley Road
W4 2HN
